Home/ Service / Stable Cell Line Generation
Our state-of-the-art technologies and world-class expertise transform to significantly reduced time, effort and costs in developing high-performance mammalian cell lines for production of recombinant proteins and antibodies.
Host cells: CHO, HEK293, Hela or customer designated.
Genes-of-Interest: Antibodies, GPCRs, Ion channels, Proteases, Kinases, Trans-membrane proteins, Adhesion molecules
Full Service: Choosing part or all of the following services based on your specific needs
Cloning your gene-of-interest into our proprietary high-expression vector (5-10 times more potent than traditional mammalian vectors)
Transfection or multiple transfections
Drug Selection and Gene Amplification (Antibiotics, DHFR, GS, etc.)
Screening of high-expression clones
Clone expansion and banking
Stability test
Medium optimization
Fermentation process development
End product production for animal tests or clinical trials
Please contact us at [email protected] for more information and a quote.